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My Journey with the little c and the lessons learned.

Whatever word you attach to your circumstances it becomes just that. I never ever gave cancer the opportunity to be bigger or larger than me and my God. I always referred it to the little c. And that is what it was and shall be. While people call it the Big C or the monster I never gave it that power.I Knew with God on my side there was going to be only one winner and that was Bidanya Barassa. Lesson number one, When you are at war , your mind is your number one weapon!

I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer on the 3rd January 2010. 4 months before that, I started experiencing stomach aches every morning after waking up and after eating. I quickly assumed it was an upset tummy from my many travels or a bacterial infection. This discomfort continued for two weeks before I noticed blood in my stool. I was in South Africa when this happened. Scared and shocked I called my mum and my then boyfriend and told them I think I have Colon Cancer. Lesson number two, never voice what you don't want to happen to you or to your loved ones. Your words are very powerful. Thoughts become words and word become things. Well, in my defense, already mentioning cancer gave me the preparation and strength to deal with the little c head on! (winks)

After coming back home from my trip , I decided to go to the chemist because as much as I somehow knew it was colon cancer, I really didn't believe it. At the chemist, I was given pain killers and de-worming tablets. Can you believe it? De-worming tablets?? ( rolling my eyes as I write this). Anyway, when this didn't work and I was still experiencing blood in my stool, I knew for sure something was very wrong with me and what was happening was not normal. Lesson number three, never self medicate. If you consistently experience a re-occuring pain or symptoms go to a doctor and have it checked.

At the hospital I underwent several tests; blood tests, an ultra sound, an x-ray, a CT Scan and finally a colonoscopy that found a growth on the left hand side of my colon. After a biopsy was done, it was confirmed that I had stage 2 colon cancer. This was in December 2009. You can imagine the Christmas and the New Year I had.

So back to 3rd January 2010 when my life changed in so many ways. After the doctor informed me of my options, I quickly and immediately booked myself for surgery on the 5th of January, 2 days later in Kenya. I needed the home ground advantage. Cancer was not going to change my life and get me packing to India or the US. I was in hospital for 10days post surgery the longest and most boring days of my life. Before checking out of hospital , an oncologist paid me a visit and informed me that I had to do chemotherapy after 6 weeks post surgery. That was when it really hit me hard that I had cancer. This was the first and the last time I broke down and was contemplating not doing chemotherapy. This only lasted 30 minutes after my mother asked me whether I wanted to die. With tears gushing out of my eyes I responded with a throaty strong NO.

Lesson number four, mothers know every story, ever wound, every memory. Their whole life's happiness is wrapped up in you...every single second.

And on that day I made a pact with God. I told him that I knew there was a great reason why he allowed cancer to happen to me and that it was not permanent. And since I understood the journey I must take, He must also do somethings for me. We agreed that my hair won't fall out, I won't be sick or bed ridden, I will travel , I will go out dancing with friends , my life will not be overtaken by the little c and little c will never visit me again. And by God's grace and mercy my hair grew longer, I travelled, worked , danced and laughed a lot. The only side effect was the darkening of my palms and feet , which after 12 sessions, 8 months of chemotherapy ( which I named my cocktail ) the darkness faded. Lesson number five, with Faith and God on your side, NOTHING is impossible! Faith and Fear cannot live together, It's fear that kills and steals aways hope.

Cancer is no joke. Chemotherapy is no joke. Any disease is no joke. But I firmly believe that with nutrition and a healthy lifestyle we can beat cancer. Cancer is only 4% hereditary, the rest is our diet and other external factors. We all have cancer cells in our body, our body can fight cancer so we need to arm it with the right ammunition to fight. We need to Bullet Proof Our Health. Prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. No doctor will talk about cancer prevention but I will! It is my duty and obligation to share with you , through my website, what I know and wished I knew before my cancer journey.

Cancer definitely picked the wrong Diva!

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